..having discovered that following the instructions on this build is to invite disaster I've started a second kit. As seen already I've been rather unlucky with the fit of the transparencies on my first started build. One of mine was slightly twisted and short molded for good measure - and Airfix have no spares in stock. So I've started the second kit; here the forward fuselage sides have been attached to the rear fuselage parts before joining to the wing assembly, thus avoiding those large gaps seen in other builds. With the fuselage halves together the cockpit - here partially assembled - just clicks in from the rear before the wings/bomb bay are put together..here's some pics..
Hello and welcome to my blog!
An aircraft enthusiast and ex-airline dispatcher, my main interests are 72nd scale kits (not exclusively) WW II aviation, F-4 Phantoms, Fokker Triplanes and military history. As an 'East Kent Scale Modeller' I try and post regularly and build as many new-tool Airfix kits as possible, such as the 48th Sea Vixen seen here. Lets go!
Saturday, 7 November 2015
new-tool Airfix Blenheim Mk I build on the bench (3)
..having discovered that following the instructions on this build is to invite disaster I've started a second kit. As seen already I've been rather unlucky with the fit of the transparencies on my first started build. One of mine was slightly twisted and short molded for good measure - and Airfix have no spares in stock. So I've started the second kit; here the forward fuselage sides have been attached to the rear fuselage parts before joining to the wing assembly, thus avoiding those large gaps seen in other builds. With the fuselage halves together the cockpit - here partially assembled - just clicks in from the rear before the wings/bomb bay are put together..here's some pics..
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